"Well endowed hero"
.... So.... that wasn't my sword?
"Well endowed hero"
.... So.... that wasn't my sword?
Oh Gawd! :D I'll leave it as 'ambiguous'! :)
I'm in love with this game, there's so much replay value- Ive played it for the past three nights just because I get so sucked into the comedy and world building!
This was an excellant 5 minute horror game. It reminds me of a horror idler I once played but didnt have time for.
I like it!
I am an honest person and I came here because Lucifer looks attractive. I will not claim to understand the game (Lucifer said it was a good game) but I am enthralled by the setup, music and character design already, and that your ultimate game is story driven is even more appealing.
We're glad that someone like how Lucifer looks, thank you!
And thank you for playing! Hopefully you'll see the full version of this game later.
Let me be honest- Ive been an internet denizen for decades, since the 2000s and played flash games, but the Madness series just always seemed too intense for me to genuinely get into, and I wouldn't know where to even start. But I decided to give your game a try and I love it, with it nuance and emotion and ethical dilemmas. Will you be providing badges at some point?
I really really want to include medals!! I actually set some up originally, I had images and captions all ready. turns out there isn't currently a way to set up the code for it in renpy, which sucks. if I end up making another game I think I'll try out flash so I can properly add them in. Thank you so much for your support!!
I came back to say I LOVE THIS GAME! The strategy, the paths, the insanity of it all, the compelling cast and setting. And the goofy music somehow works! Love the hipster love interest. Herschell Cook, I love your text adventure games so much, please never stop.
Thanks! No plans to stop anytime soon!
Cute, and with potential, but I was disappointed in the lack of creativity in freeplay mode.
Thanks for playing! We're looking for feedback to improve the full game. What would you like to see added to Free Play?
Cute and awful but cute!
.... So, I played music, and injected the egg, and yelled/slapped it just to see what would happen (a few times, before I stopped when I decided it was messed up) and then when it finally got big enough, I went to lunch. And then ominous music started to play and I never got back from lunch.... Spooky, but is there more? I feel like I want to see more!
I LOVE Newgrounds, and the creators here. I would die without these games and creations.
I don't like to talk about it
New York
Joined on 8/30/18